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St Cuthbert's, Hebron

Love, Grow, Serve and Go!


Our Story

Mitford and Hebron Benefice is a diverse, inclusive, welcoming Christian community with people of all ages, seeking to worship in ways that reflect the needs of our whole church; using the distinct strengths of each of our church buildings to provide a wide range of services, both contemporary and traditional.

In striving to become more like Jesus, we want to grow

· numerically as we welcome new members into our faith community.

· spiritually, as we seek to deepen our relationship with Jesus.

· in servanthood, as together we seek to bless our communities and do all we can to give the people around us a chance to meet with Jesus.

​Upcoming Events


Morning Prayer and Community Coffee

Wednesday 22nd January 9.30am

Giving Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Sunday 9th February 10am

Church Cross


Sunday 2nd February 4.00pm

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Community at Hebron

Love, Grow, Serve and Go!

Here at Mitford and Hebron we provide opportunities for everyone to grow and develop their faith and Christian discipleship.  We are a community who enjoy journeying with one another and recognise the corporate call to be the Body of Christ in the world.


Hebron Churchyard
The churchyard is open for Burials.  Please see our information booklet with all the guidance for burials and memorials.  All enquiries must be made via the church office or churchwardens.  


How we fund the mission of Your Parish Church

You can find out about how much it costs to run our church and how we spend and manage our finances.  You can also find ways to donate and contribute to the mission of the church in the community.


Join us for our

Monthly Prayer Gathering
First Saturday of the Month

Our Next Prayer Gathering will be on Saturday 1st February at 10am

Who's Who at Hebron Church

Governance & Oversight

Priest in Charge
Revd Elaine Jones

Mitford Churchwardens
Janice Robinson, Richard Addison
Hebron Churchwardens
James Roff, Ian Craigs

JPCC Secretary
Bev Morris

JPCC Treasurer
Carol Thompson

The JPCC members
Sarah Mills, Ann Attwood, Nigel Jobson, Dick Quinby

Benefice Administrator - Sadie Flanagan 

Parish Safeguarding Officer
Isabel Quinby

Richard Addison

Assistant Verger
Andy Jones



Visit us

St Cuthbert's Church
NE61 3LA

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